Introduction: Learn how to add a new user in User Lists.

Step 1: Select the New User tool bar item

Step 2: Select User Type. There are two types of users:

  • User – access limits can be set for this user type, see User Access.
  • Administrator – with full access to everything in TouchStone, including all of the controls in Account Administration except for Upgrading Users and Account Settings.

Step 3: Create a username for the user. A valid e-mail address must be used for the username. The username/e-mail address will be used for password recovery and process assignments. If you choose a username that is already in use, you will be prompted to choose another.

Step 4: Type in the user’s first name and last name

Step 5:  Create a password for the user.

Step 6: Click the “Save” button.

Once the new user is created it will appear on your User List in alphabetically order, by last name.

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